JUSTIN Kyle Bush (He/Him/His)
Credentials: MED
Position title: Graduate Academic Advisor
Email: justinkyle.bush@wisc.edu
Phone: 608-262-0468

Justin Kyle Bush is the graduate academic advisor for Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE), Engineering Data Analytics (MEDA), and Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE). In my role I support all aspects of the student life cycle which may include: recruitment, admissions, new student orientation, academic advising, monitoring of progress towards the degree, course and enrollment management, diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, funding, course and/or program assessment, and academic program review.
I come to UW-Madison from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Colorado School of Mines where I was the Program Assistant and Interim Department Manager. During my time in education, I have facilitated graduate student advising, provided departmental leadership and administrative support, and coordinated a variety of large events that support student success. Being a first-generation college student (Bachelor of Arts in History and Master of Education with a Higher Education Administration concentration), I know what it takes to succeed in education and hope I can help you complete this big accomplishment.
Some interesting facts about myself:
- Grew up in South Mississippi
- Have three Dogs (Kennedy, Telle, and Maggie)
- French Fry Addict
- Trivia Junkie
- Avid Road Cyclist
- Big Sports Fan
- Enjoy the Outdoors