Nylon 6 is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic with a range of uses, especially as a synthetic fiber. First developed to mimic the properties of nylon 6,6, nylon 6 has slightly different mechanical properties and more luster …
MEPE congratulates our two graduates for spring 2022! Nita Shinde (right) and Kayla O’Neill. Wishing you both much luck and success in your future endeavors!
A recent publication by Prof. George Huber and colleagues from UW Madison’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering describes challenges with the management of plastic waste. The article describes new technologies that have the potential …
On 4/14/22 Prof. Lorena Rios Mendoza visited EPD 639, Plastics Recycling and Sustainability, to share her research and expertise in microplastics, especially the state of microplastics in the Great Lakes. Prof. Rios Mendoza has been …
Hi all, Introducing our MEPE minute blog where you will find content related to polymer engineering. Please visit often for the latest info and conversations.
University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) Director Robert Agasie and Dr. Andrea Strzelec recently received $222,294 from the Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program (DOE NEUP) for their project, “Development of Neutron Tomography at the UWNR.” This project will enhance nuclear energy-related research and development at the UWNR and associated Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM), which also houses UW Mechanical Engineering Professor Mark Anderson’s X-ray Imaging System.
Dr. Andrea Strzelec has been selected to receive a $2.6 million award from the US Department of Energy (with a $3.3M total budget) for her project “Comprehensive Integrated Simulation Methodology for Enabling Near-Zero Emission HD Vehicles” to accelerate advancements in near-zero-emissions vehicles. Dr. Strzelec is the program director for the Master of Engineering in Engine Systems (MEES) in the Interdisciplinary Professional Programs Office of the College of Engineering and an honorary associate research scientist in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.