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New Courses Available for Customization

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Agile for Technical Teams

This course utilizes in-class Agile project activities to replicate the rapid, time-boxed, and iterative nature of Agile. Participants will engage in hands-on exercises to understand and implement the fundamental roles, processes and artifacts of Agile project and product delivery. The course includes a combination of presentations, readings, videos, examples and case studies.  A key aspect of the course is an Agile project simulation where teams of participants collaboratively go through each stage of an Agile project. Participants will assume different core roles in Agile and apply Agile practices and processes to design and develop a product prototype. Course Objectives: 
  1. Analyze various Agile project management methodologies, their application to different types of projects, and key differences from traditional waterfall approaches
  2. Execute key steps and processes within an Agile project lifecycle
  3. Utilize basic Agile artifacts, documents, and metrics in the context of project management
  4. Identify roles within an Agile project team and assess organizational readiness for adopting an Agile project management approach
  5. Critique the limitations of Agile methodologies and propose solutions to organizational concerns about using Agile project management approaches
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Applied Leadership for Performance Culture

Applied Leadership for Performance Culture defines the specific framework required to help prepare and implement a high-performance-culture, as well as the specific leadership skills and behaviors required to evolve and sustain the culture. In this course, participants will learn ‘Hoshin Planning’, a process that uses strategic steps and tools to implement and perpetuate a continuous improvement strategy and culture across an organization. This course includes two full days of active practice teach-backs of people-skill-building modules which include facilitation skills, questioning skills, handling conflict, holding others accountable, setting expectations, giving and receiving feedback, and building trust. Course Objectives: 
  1. Learn the ‘Hoshin Planning’ process
  2. Learn the leadership skills and behaviors essential to implement a high-performance culture
  3. Practice demonstrating the skills to implement, evolve, and sustain a high-performance work culture
  4. Prepare students to implement and sustain a high-performance culture
  5. Learn skills to move from authoritarian or directive management styles, to a transformative or coaching leadership style
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Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

This course is designed for engineers and technical professionals who are interested in understanding and applying AI and ML in their companies’ products and processes. This course is fundamental and designed for individuals with little prior experience in artificial intelligence or machine learning. Course examples will be modified to fit clients’ applications. Machine learning and AI can process and analyze vast amounts of data at an unprecedented speed, enabling companies to make data driven decisions with greater accuracy and efficiency. By leveraging these technologies, engineers can extract valuable insights from complex data sets, identify patterns and predict future trends, leading to better decision making.  Machine learning and AI can automate repetitive tasks, streamline process, and optimize operations, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. By automating routine and time-consuming tasks, employees can focus on more strategic and value-added activities. This leads to cost savings, faster turnaround times, and reduced human errors.  Machine learning algorithms can be trained to understand individual user preferences and behavior, enabling personalized product design. Machine learning and AI can also assist product developers in making better decisions, providing objective analysis and insights on product features and functions. By augmenting human decision-making with AI, developers reduce biases, mitigate risk and optimize functionalities based on evidence.  Course Objectives:
  1. Understand basic terms and definitions for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 
  2. Describe two fundamental approaches for creating models and making predictions 
  3. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised learning problems 
  4. Distinguish between classification and regression problems  
  5. Describe how to evaluate two classification approaches based on performance 
  6. Explain how to choose an appropriate number of patterns for approximating data 
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Rapid Design and Innovation: Prototype (almost) Anything?

This project-based, hands-on course aims to empower and equip participants to create innovative products. Participants will first identify market opportunities based on social and/or technological trends and/or needs within their field of interest. Then the key concepts of human-centered design will be presented and used as an overall pathway to explore a prescribed market opportunity. The 5 steps of innovation will be covered and the concept of risk will be presented and used to set the scope of the project and prioritize resources. A heavy emphasis will be placed on creating prototypes that are meant to answer one or more specific questions through user testing and feedback. Starting with low-fidelity prototypes (sketching, cardboard, tape), the participants will learn how to iterate their design as they obtain feedback and create higher fidelity prototypes using tools like Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, 3D printing, laser cutting and other additive and subtractive manufacturing tools. Course Objectives: 
  1. Identify new product opportunities through the lens of social and/or technological trends or needs
  2. Apply the basics of user-centered design
  3. Apply the 5 steps of innovation
  4. Use risk as a lens to scope projects and prioritize resources
  5. Iterate designs by creating prototypes and obtaining feedback from users
  6. Use a wide range of rapid prototyping tools at an introductory level
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Meet the Team

You’re not going alone

Work with a talented team of learning design specialists to develop a course that meets your needs. Fusce congue urna nec nisi tincidunt, vitae hendrerit urna feugiat. Nam bibendum ex ac rutrum aliquet. Integer tortor nisl, tempor ac velit commodo, pellentesque blandit felis. Integer non dapibus turpis. Sed vitae purus in justo mattis tincidunt. Nam vitae dolor elit. Donec nec mi enim.

Amanda Renz

Amanda fusce congue urna nec nisi tincidunt, vitae hendrerit urna feugiat. Nam bibendum ex ac rutrum aliquet. Integer tortor nisl, tempor ac velit commodo, pellentesque blandit felis. Integer non dapibus turpis. Sed vitae purus in justo mattis tincidunt. Nam vitae dolor elit. Donec nec mi enim.

Katie Lennon

Katie fusce congue urna nec nisi tincidunt, vitae hendrerit urna feugiat. Nam bibendum ex ac rutrum aliquet. Integer tortor nisl, tempor ac velit commodo, pellentesque blandit felis. Integer non dapibus turpis. Sed vitae purus in justo mattis tincidunt. Nam vitae dolor elit. Donec nec mi enim.

Susan Ottmann

Susan fusce congue urna nec nisi tincidunt, vitae hendrerit urna feugiat. Nam bibendum ex ac rutrum aliquet. Integer tortor nisl, tempor ac velit commodo, pellentesque blandit felis. Integer non dapibus turpis. Sed vitae purus in justo mattis tincidunt. Nam vitae dolor elit. Donec nec mi enim.

Success Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue urna nec nisi tincidunt, vitae hendrerit urna feugiat. Nam bibendum ex ac rutrum aliquet. Integer tortor nisl, tempor ac velit commodo, pellentesque blandit felis. Integer non dapibus turpis. Sed vitae purus in justo mattis tincidunt. Nam vitae dolor elit. Donec nec mi enim.

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